Thursday, April 21, 2022

Living Proof

   Living proof of what, the struggle represent, throughout many various serious of events. To be considered great, to want to enable more possibilities that seem few but can be abundant in the right direction of growth. How we cope throughout these darkest times, controlling the negativities that clout the mind.  

 Always looking forward to what can control, the factors to assist in the methods to shine.  In the lowest of lows to rise above and promote the need to correct the mistakes that makes righteous choices in which can determine our fate. What can equate to a pure aura of being comfortable being one with the inner spirit and building the physical and mental.

 The will to love, the will of precious trust and honesty, truly making change for the better, "practice makes perfect." But the failures made the  self-esteem push rise and furthermore be driven by obtaining goals and to not lose sight of aspirations.

 So the picture of pure happiness seems grim improving is like the closes thing to reach a sense of perfection. More focused on what can make absolute protection, harness endurance and do all that can lead into the proper dedication and maintaining more patience.   

 More talents, acquired, I wish to make a means for each everyone to achieve for I known the ways of battling with the creeping nature that can steer individuals away from the feeling from the purpose filled dreams to not be seen. The measure of suffering and how it can seem unbearable but leads more  towards the power within our selves.  

Energy we gain from others, grateful for confidence built and knowing that it can makes us remain stable when the world begins to tilt off its pivot. Balance is what is needed, to know the difference of all it beholds.


5:15 PM

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